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Accessibility Plan and Feedback Process

Sunwest Aviation is committed to accessibility and a barrier-free Canada. In July 2016, the government of Canada began their consultations with more than 6,000 Canadians to determine what an accessible Canada means to them. As a result of these consultations, Bill C-81: An Act to Ensure a Barrier-Free Canada, was tabled in June 2018. The Accessible Canada Act, which aims to make Canada a barrier-free country by January 1, 2040, came into force in July 2019.

View and Download Sunwest Aviation’s Accessibility Plan and Feedback Process below.


Attention: Manager of Cabin Safety and Customer Service


Mail: 217 Aero Court NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C6

Telephone: +1 (403) 275-8121
Toll Free: 1-888-291-4566

Anonymous feedback can be provided by telephone (ask to remain anonymous) and by mail (do not include a return address or personal information).

Feedback will be addressed promptly and responded to in the format it was received (email, telephone, or mail). Anonymous feedback will not receive a response but will receive the same consideration as other feedback. Appropriate actions will be taken to resolve issues and prevent reoccurrence. We appreciate your input and look forward to serving you better.